Super Friends - The Lost Episodes 1983-1984!

Apparently these episodes never aired during the original run of the Super Friends shows, but were kept back and showed up later when the Super Friends show became a staple of syndication and such. Not much change really here, more of the utterly fantastic, more of the focus on outer space and wild sci-fi themes. The Legion of Doom returns in small ways with several stories featuring them, some in very creative ways. The influence of the Superman movies is felt in the look of the Fortress of Solitude as well as the appearance of some Phantom Zone baddies. Actually one gets a feeling sometimes that the series has taken a bit of a  "World's Finest" quality with Batman and Superman often the focus of the stories. Aquaman continues his fade appearing only rarely.

One character who is a solid performer season after season though is the Fifth Dimensional imp Mr. Mxyzptlk whose penchant for zany and somewhat less lethal threats is rather ideal for the tone of a this more light-hearted version of the League.

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