Holy Historically Significant Anthology Batman!

Not too much to say about this collection. I probably picked it up cheap because of the handsome Amanda Conner cover art and because I like the Batman TV show more than Batman in general most of the time. I've always been a little cool to the Batman comics (save when Neal Adams drew them) and the earliest stuff is the very essence silly.

That silliness is captured in full flavor here with stories that introduce and then reintroduce The Riddler, the best of the TV villains, but who in the comic book can be a bit of a shmoe. The Joker stories here are dandy, and I found the one from the 60's a lot of fun though like so many stories for DC in that era it had the smell of a story meant to justify a cover. The Mad Hatter story drawn by Dick Sprang has some real energy in it. Mr. Freeze (called Mr. Zero in his debut) is a Bat-villain I've always liked better in the comic than the TV show. There's something about him which is scarier than even the Joker sometimes.

Batman S:03 E:16 – Channel: Superhero

The only story in this collection I had in my collection in the original is Batgirl's "Million-Dollar Debut", a wonderful comic and absolutely typical of quality books produced in this time. This is a light breezy collection with a few stand out stories, not worth full price but maybe get it on sale like I did.

Here are the covers.

Rip Off


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