I have no explanation for this fascinating image from the imagination of Wally Wood. The collision of savage barbarism and sleek modern war fighting seems at first glance a clash, but maybe not so much.
One aspect of Wally Wood's career which I've not really spent too much time on is his bent for pornography. Back when comics were squeaky clean vehicles meant only to entertain the teeming and impressionable youth of America and little beyond it was perhaps sensible by and large to keep things like raw unbridled sex at arms length. But that didn't mean that artists didn't dabble in that greatest of all human endeavors, and one of the first I ever knew about who drew stuff like this was Wally Wood. You'd find him on the latest issue of DC's Justice Society of America rendering a sexy new character like Power Girl, rendered strikingly but still within the confines of the weakening but not yet extinct Comics Code Authority. At the same time you could look higher in the racks where the little kids couldn't reach or perhaps behind the counter and find more raucous and frank presentations of sex from a master like Wood. One example I remember seeing back in t...
Wally Wood was one of the great artists in the history of the comic book form, and one of the most troubled. He was a mercurial figure, starting out on the sci-fi and horror comics of his day in the 50's and elevating to the best of them at EC Comics before broadening out to humor and superheroes and more. He was always it seemed a maverick of sorts, spending a few months at Marvel revising Daredevil, stopping at Tower to develop the THUNDER Agents, beginning Doctor Doom's series, visiting DC to spruce up the Justice Society of America, and all the while working at the edges of the establishment in the Undergrounds with work that the Big Two would never publish, most of it with a distinctive slant on explicit sex. Much of Wally Wood's notorious sexy stuff was collected some years ago in a French collection titled "Con de Fee" and that title was lifted by Fantagraphics for their relatively modern collection of Wood's "dirty comics". ...
And just like that the old Rip Jagger's Dojo is back in business. The comments functions which so mysteriously vanished a week ago have returned. So I'll be scuttling back to the old place posthaste for normal regular updates. I know all this whipping around might be a bit confusing for folks, this place has served its role as a lifeboat well. I'm going to keep it open for a while to experiment perhaps with some ways it might be useful on a regular basis. Stay tuned. Rip Off
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